Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reasons People Spend Big On Botox

By Marla Nordina

In these times of great scrutiny over physical appearances, a first impression is more important than ever. We all wish to look younger than we are, and are willing to go to great lengths to regain our youth. Wrinkles and lines on the face are an unsightly and unwelcome sign of ageing, and many people are turning to the idea of getting injections of botox in order to help renew skin that is getting older looking.

Plastic surgery used to be the only real choice when someone wanted to alter their appearance to look younger, and this more drastic option is more of a commitment. Procedures would take hours to perform and weeks to heal. Sometimes it could take more than a month to have the full benefit to be clear. But that era has now started to fade away, thanks to botox. In a report that was published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2012, there was a marked increase in the use of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures such as botox injection, while there was a decline in the total number of cosmetic surgeries performed.

Why is this the case?

Plastic surgery is much more expensive, so botox gives someone with a lower economic status the ability to get treatments. For many reasons, botox is becoming more mainstream, but one of the biggest reasons is that it's much faster, safer, and cheaper than having a plastic surgery, which is way more invasive.

People who are in the higher social class are obviously more likely to have botox treatments, and this is helping to fuel a wider acceptance for the procedure. Celebrity papers have an article almost every day about some celebrity who has undergone botox.

How did botox get to be so mainstream?

Clearly, cosmetic procedures are being dominated by injections such as botox in recent years. Since it's a quick and safe out-patient procedure and the fact that it's rather inexpensive, many people are fighting their wrinkles and facial lines by getting treatments such as these. Not only do people use these treatments for aesthetic reasons, they are also being used to help blepharospasm, spastic paraplegias, and other kinds of muscle spasms.

Months later, the effects of these procedures are still quite noticeable. Many people's confidence is boosted significantly by having these treatments, and they usually tell family and friends to have it done as well.

Because of such great results from botox injection treatments, many people are having the procedure done and they are gaining confidence and feeling younger because of the wider degree of acceptance.

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