Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Talking Openly About Weight Loss

By Chet Sandeksi

If you are currently trying to lose weight, you are not alone. Millions of Americans today are on some kind of diet or weight loss plan in hopes that they will lose weight.

For some, simply eating right and performing regular exercise is enough of an effort to make their target weight. But for others, the process can be more difficult.

Millions of Americans are obese, and one million more are overweight. Why do so many Americans have problems with weight?

Common cardio exercises such as running, walking, climbing stairs, and using an elliptical machine have all been proven effective at strengthening a person's cardio health, burning calories, and shedding pounds. But the common theme for all of these cardio exercises is the use of a person's legs; and for some individuals who are striving to lose weight, using their legs while exercising is not an option due to other health concerns or physical limitations.

Also generally, in our culture, exercise is looked upon negatively. People don't like exercising and they don't look forward to it. People view exercising as something hard and not fun that they must do if they want to lose weight. They do not realize that losing weight requires a lifestyle change and a modified perspective and outlook on life.

The reason why people struggle to accept that a lifestyle change is needed is because they are comfortable with the way they are currently living with. Very few people are accepting of the idea that they need to change several big things about their life.

Instead, the person's arms are performing the vigorous movements that get the heart rate up and the cardio health a boost. Working the bag as fast as one can for a period of three minutes in a set will provide the cardio workout one is looking for.

This is a large reason why people are constantly searching for quick and easy ways to lose weight. Just turn on your television on you will see myriad advertisements for diet pills and weight loss programs. The key fact here is that people want to lose weight without effort. Deep down, they know the way to lose weight is to exercise and eat healthy.

Swimming is likewise less impactful on a person's back, hips, knees, and ankles, making it a quality exercise for those who wish to avoid over use of their legs while exercising. Other options for those who want to lose weight through cardio exercise but who cannot use their legs while exercising include any action that works the big muscles in the arms and hips, such as rowing, air boxing, pushups, and rope pulling.

For those more drastic cases, some may wish to consider undergoing weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery performed by medical professionals is a viable option for those who cannot lose weight through maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise.

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