Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Simple But Powerful Solutions For Weight Loss

By Erin Newman

Every time we turn on the television we are bombarded with various weight loss solutions guaranteeing fast results. The truth is you didnt gain weight instantly and you are not going to take it off instantly. When you get serious about losing weight, you will realize that these quick solutions are not the answer; but hard work and commitment is the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

Know That You Reach Your Goal

You have to believe that you can lose the weight.

Belief is an important part of the weight loss equation. It is just as important as healthy eating and exercise because it is what keeps you going when times get tough. The chances of you successfully completing a weight loss program without believing strongly that you can are slim to none.

Write down the reasons it is important for you to lose weight. Now, determine the amount of weight that you need to lose and write it down. Promise yourself that you will not quit until you accomplish your goal.

There are going to be times when things become really difficult and you feel like quitting. When those moments hit, find stories about other people who have been successful at losing weight to motivate you. Understand and acknowledge that they also had weak moments but to get where they are they had to keep striving and so do you. Every once in a while you are going to have a bad day. When this happens, acknowledge it but get right back on track working toward your goal.

The beginning of any weight loss program is usually pretty tough. This is because you are doing the right things but not seeing immediate results. If you give it time and stick with it for a solid month or two you will start to see your energy level skyrocket, the scale drop and your body take on a whole new form. This is when it starts to get easier because you like what you see and want to make it even better.

Drink At Least 8 Glasses Of Water

Water is necessary to keep the body functioning properly.

Also drinking water helps to give you the feeling of being full which will require you to eat less during the day.

When your body is being properly hydrated, it will alleviate the bloating feeling because it can release the water it has been storing.

Drinking a glass before each meal will help you to eat less and lose more.

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life

Exercise should be a vital part of any weight loss plan. Even though you may be able to lose weight without it, it will be difficult to sustain long term.

If you havent exercised in a while or flat out dislike exercising, start out with an easy exercise like walking. Taking a brisk walk outside in the evening can be fun and refreshing. The key is to find an exercising that you feel comfortable working into your lifestyle.

For maximum benefit work out 5 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.

After you have been working out for a while and feel ready for something new, try adding in high calorie burning aerobic workouts.

When you make exercise a regular part of your life, not only will you lose weight but you will also be healthier.

Have A Small Meal Every Few Hours

Eating smaller meals more frequently will help increases your energy, stabilizes your blood sugar and boost your metabolism.

Remember that even though you are eating more often you still should not exceed your normal calorie intake.

Learning to plan out your meals can be challenging in the beginning. Until you get the hang of prepare your normal 3 meals and cut them in half.

Sleep 7 To 8 Hours Each Night

When you are not getting enough sleep, it causes an increase in the amount of ghrelin in the body. Ghrelin is the hormone that controls hunger. When we are not getting the amount of sleep needed, this hormone increases and so does our desire to snack.

Ideally, you should be sleeping between 7 and 8 hours each night.

In order to sleep better, avoid drinking caffeine or engaging in exercise a few hours before bed time.

When used on a regular basis these 5 tips can help you lose the weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

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